London-centric ‘leaders’ let the sector down

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les huckfieldIn hard hitting evidence to the Baring’s Panel on Independence, commentator Les Huckfield accused lambasted the “London-centric” ‘leaders’ of the voluntary sector. “Rather than protecting voluntary and community organisations from the effects of Government policies and supporting their independence from Government,” he said, “national Third Sector Organisations have assisted and supported Government initiatives to fashion and develop commissioning and contracting policies under New Labour and the present Coalition Government.”

He concludes: “The result of all of this that, rather than influencing Government policies on behalf of their members, London Third Sector Organisations are gradually confining themselves to a role of negotiation with private sector primes to secure better terms and conditions for subcontractors.

In a Brave New World of private sector direct investment, Social Investment, including Social Impact Bonds, PBR and the emerging threats of privatisation of the Third Sector and the financialisation of public service delivery, London Third Sector Organisations have no one to blame but themsleves.”

We have uploaded Les’ evidence in full and you can feast your eyes on it here 

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