Watch out for internships

I’ve noticed recently that a prominent second tier voluntary sector agency in my borough, Hammersmith & Fulham, have been offering the opportunity to work for 32.5 hours per week without getting paid, for up to one year, as an ‘intern’.

The ‘Intern’  will be accountable to the Director; they will have a role description as … Continue reading

London Coalition Against Poverty (LCAP) – Direct Action Casework Manual

London Coalition Against PovertyDirect Action Casework is what LCAP calls the actions it takes with people to challenge and overcome unjust treatment. It is a combination of legal work and advocacy with protest and direct action.

Direct Action Casework can be used by anybody and it works!

LCAP have seen people challenge unfair treatment and win real victories … Continue reading

The future for Adur communities – some urgent challenges

It’s the place, stupid…..Adrian Barritt makes the case for the Right to Belong and the irreplaceable role of local action by local people in Adur – the sandwich between Brighton and Worthing with a filling which makes it a great place on the W.Sussex coast. Adrian exposes the platitudes about “civil society” and “local engagement” … Continue reading

Why the Coalition is needed

I see the Coalition as the first step in restoring the dignity and beauty of the voluntary sector.  That can only happen when we re-assert our right, our historical right, to stick two fingers up to the state and go our own way.

Jon Taylor says goodbye to the Coalition and encourages us in our Continue reading

Commissioning: or how to kill the goose that lays the golden egg

A personal view from Peter Bird, Coordinator of Fulham Good Neighbour Service

The Council’s Proposals

Hammersmith & Fulham Council have recently published a consultation document on their strategy for the third sector. Their definition of the third sector being all organisations that define themselves as voluntary and community organisations, charities, social enterprises, and mutuals or … Continue reading

If it works, starve it

The Salford Star …with attitude and love xxx

By Stephen Kingston

In some `less enlightened’ countries they don’t mess about with meddling journalists – they just shoot them or blow up their offices. Here in England they censor and execute you economically. It has the same affect. Hence the winter issue of Salford Star didn’t … Continue reading


The Ministry of Justice deals in “democratic engagement” and explores “how to harness new ways of engaging”, while the Improvement and Development Agency talks about “community empowerment and engagement”.

Head of News at the Local Government Association (LGA), Richard Stokoe says “engaging” is simply a grand way of talking or listening to people. “As far … Continue reading