Challenging Times – lobbying local politicians at a time of cuts

Sean Creighton lists the questions to ask local politicians on their apparent interest in community action, and highlights the gap between rhetoric and practice.

“A key element in the Party political battle leading up to May’s local and national elections was over developing a new role for community and voluntary organisations in running services and … Continue reading

Do or die – how to survive cuts and recession

Ideas from some local voluntary groups to balance certainty with uncertainty so you might survive the impact of external economic and political factors and your ability to respond to community needs.

What’s most important to do?

  • as far as practical, plan for the different possible scenarios and their consequences
  • within a clear view of what
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Changing the world – something for everyone

Whatever your place, temperament or interests here’s a fantastic list of all the things we can do, individually or together, which can have an effect on the status quo. From silence to boycotts, stalling to singing, letters and petitions, from prayer to skydiving and rude gestures – there’s something for everyone here. It’s from Gene … Continue reading

Chickens come home to roost

The Charity Commission has finally spotted what NCIA predicted at the beginning of the year, and long before –

“many charities will go bust because of their reliance on government contracts to deliver public services.”

Hard not to say “we told you so” to those who have tied themselves into  State agendas with little … Continue reading

Privatised public services – A sign of the future


This is what treatment is like in an NHS hospital today
This is what happened to my sister in a semi-privatised, squeezed by New Labour and Margaret Thatcher, we’re so proud of our standard of excellence we are applying for Foundation Hospital status hospital
This is what happened to my sister, … Continue reading

Democracy at Work – A True Story

Little Fish is a social justice organisation that supports vulnerable clients with acute needs while also campaigning on equality issues nationally. Earlier this year, Little Fish made a charity of the year-type arrangement with a commercial organisation, let’s call them Loan Sharks Ltd. Little Fish’s management were pleased to announce the sponsorship of Loan Sharks … Continue reading

Am I a waste of money?

A personal view from Charlotte Pell

Look into your brains and tell me if I am a waste of money.

The money that pays me comes from a national quango called ‘Capacity Builders’. But this isn’t one of those bad quangoes everyone talks about, this one doesn’t take money off you, it gives its money … Continue reading

Systems thinking in the public sector

Much of what we complain is being forced onto voluntary organisations by local and central Government derives from ineffective and outdated management styles and theories – targets, performance management, quality assurance, benchmarking, regulation and the rest of it. These styles and techniques make services worse not better, build in unnecessary costs and make it harder … Continue reading

Grass roots message to world leaders?

Perhaps a group of young people CAN change the world for the better? Here’s a story of acting local and thinking global, initiated by a NCIA supporter.

If you have just one minute to spare, you can help them…

Watch the 60-second clip at

If you agree with their message you can give … Continue reading